Wow! I am the biggest blogging slacker! I've just been enjoying life as a mother of 2! That's right,Hudson Joseph Pyne was born on September 29, 2010 at 1:11 am. He weighed 8lbs, 11.6 oz, and was 21 inches long. I was hoping to avoid a 2nd C-section, so I delayed my scheduled C-section for a week. My due date was on the 24th, and my wonderful doctor was willing to let me try to go into labor until the 28th. Well, the night of the 27th, I started having contractions. We had to be at the hospital at 5am on the 28th for my C-section, so we showed up, asked them to please cancel the C-section (again) and let me labor. And boy, did I labor! I thought for sure when the doctor initially checked me I would be dilated at least 4 cm, um no, I was at a 2. I was slightly devastated by this news, but thanks to my sweet, calm hubby, I was able to calm down too. The painkillers they gave me helped a little, but I was ready for my epidural as soon as I could get it! Once I got my epidural, life improved dramatically, but my labor slowed down. I didn't care at that point though, because I was no longer in pain. I labored all day on the 28th, into the evening. At one point, the doctor told me if I didn't progress, he would strongly recommend I go ahead and have a C-section. Fortunately, the next time he came to check me, I had progressed and was ready to have this baby! I pushed for about an hour, they got the vacuum and sucked little/big Hudson right on out! He was/is perfect!
I was shocked at how amazing I felt later on that day! I thought I had recovered pretty well from my C-section with Sawyer, but this was a bajillion times better! We even went home on the 30th, because we were both doing well.
Sawyer has been a champ and loves his brother. He loves to kiss him and rock him in his car seat. He has started driving hot wheels over Hudson's head, but Hudson doesn't seem to mind-he's a pretty laid back kid. I'm excited for all of the adventures that these 2 have in store for me! Here are some amazing pics, taken by Janet Jensen of Jade Photography

1 comment:
Yeah! Hudson is here!! :) Ha, Ha! I knew he was! Don't worry, you have an excuse to be busy! Maybe I'll get around to updating my blog in March or so!
Darling pics! Hope everyone is doing well!
Sending love from Missouri! xoxo
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