Since Melissa is due to deliver our second son sometime in the next couple of weeks, we decided that it was time for Sawyer to give up the crib. I decided it would be a fun project for me to build him a bed. His nursery is a safari theme, and his favorite things in the world are trucks. So I decided to make his bed a safari truck of some sort. I settled on a
Unimog, because they look tough and would likely be used on a safari.

So with a rough idea of the plan in my head, I bought some plywood, 2x4s, screws, paint, and other random supplies, and went to work. The tires are used tires I got from a tire shop. The steering wheel is from an old riding lawnmower. Melissa asked for storage for toys and such, so I made the hood open into a toy chest, and also the hubcaps are little doors so you he can put things inside the tires.

I really had a lot of fun doing this. It took a long time, and Melissa has been patient since we haven't parked in the garage for about a month now. It was nice to be able to do something hands on and stretch my creativity. So far he's done a pretty good job of staying in the bed at night, but nap time is more challenging since he can get out and play and it's not dark in his room. He also has learned how to turn door knobs now, which we were hoping he wouldn't learn for a little while longer. We've had to put the child proof knob cover on his door so he can't escape and explore the house while we're sleeping. We hear him knocking on his door in the morning and after naps to let us know he's awake.
This is the license plate on his truck.

A quick update on Meli-she had an ultrasound last Wednesday, and it was estimating that the baby weighed in at about 8 pounds already. They have scheduled her for a C-section on the 21st, but they will let her labor if he decides to come before then. They will do another ultrasound on the 17th, to check on him again.
We'll post pics of the new baby's nursery soon and hopefully, of the new baby even sooner!